1. No further sale of gravesites is permitted in the original Calvary Cemetery.
2. Prices - Northview cemetery
Prices are as follows:
Members: $300.00 and $600.00 (for designated above ground monument sites locate in Blocks 1, 2)
Non-members: Please contact the church office for pricing.
A $75.00 surcharge is assessed for any type of burial for locating and perpetual care.
3. The Cemetery Board is responsible for lawn mowing and the filling, leveling and seeding of new graves only. Additional gravesite maintenance, i.e., the watering of planters, sodding, etc., is the responsibility the family.
4. There will be no individual planting of flowers, shrubs, trees, etc., allowed in Northview Cemetery. However, one (1) urn sitting in a 24" high stand will be permitted to be placed near the front top center of each marker.
5. Only one (1) marker will be allowed per gravesite and all markers except those in the designated headstone sites will be installed level with the ground in a 3" cement wash. U.S. issued veteran bronze footstones are allowed in addition to the regular marker or headstone.
6. Prior to each mowing, any cut flowers, wreaths, plastic crosses, etc., not in an urn on a 24 " high stand, will be removed and discarded by the grounds keeper, with the exception of U.S. issued veteran bronze stars. All artificial flowers must be removed in the Fall by November 1st or they will be disposed of. Peonies will be mowed down after blooming.
7. A maximum of two (2) burials per gravesite will be allowed, but only if at least one (1) of the burials is a cremation urn.
1. Suggested gifts to the organist and soloist are $75.00 each.
2. Suggested gift to the Pastor is $100 - $150.00.
3. Use of bulletins for funerals for both members and non-members will be $35 for 100 and $15 for each 100 bulletins thereafter.
4. WELCA funeral serving policy:
* WELCA work group will furnish:
Sandwiches, cake, pickles, chips and beverages.
Donation suggested to WELCA for the cost of the meal by the family.
If family wants more it will need to be catered. An unpaid monitor will be
provided by WELCA.
If number of guests for noon dinner is over 125, two work groups may be asked to serve. Please meet with vice-president of WELCA to make arrangements.
Please refer to the following link for all policies and fees:
Cemetery and funeral questions? Contact:
Tel: 763-689-5717 (Cliff Williams)